Is today one of those mornings where all you need is a good “awwww” to help make it through the rest of the day? Maybe you need a dose of kittens dreaming, puppies yawning, or a baby panda bear sneezing; whatever it might be, you hope that it is something innocent and carefree to spark joy in your day! Well, look no further because we have the right amout of carefree fun with this week’s Featured Artist LaurArt! LaurArt’s delightful, airbrushed designs offer the perfect “aw” factor with designs like a baby rabbit on a journey of discovery, a tiger snuggling with a flower, or a fuzzy bee on an adventure! Find yourself awwwwe-struck with LaurArt’s designs today!

LaurArt, or Laura, is a 33-year-old artist from Seinäjoki, Finland who enjoys painting, nature, and the addictive Pokémon Go game. In 2013, she signed up for a class with the talented airbrush artist, Marissa Oosterlee, and it began a love for airbrush art that continues to be at the heart of her unique colorful designs today. Her airbrushed graphics are inspired by her love of nature, animals, and the beautiful wilderness of her home city.

Like many artists, she struggles to find the time to dedicate to art and admits that her busy life “drains my strength to do art.” Still, she works to focus on creative projects because art is a passion and has become one of her greatest joys in life. In fact, she loves to “give away paintings to people” because it brings her joy to share her passion with others. She reminds other artists to “paint for your own joy, not for others.”